A new version (24.1.0) of CPAT is available for download!
What is CPAT?
CPAT (Cloud Pre-migration Advisor Tool) is a Java-based command line tool that evaluates a source database for migration.
At a high level, CPAT:
1 – Connects to a source database instance
– The source can be on-premises or in the cloud
– Can optionally connect to a target database as well
2 – Performs a series of checks
– Validate source database
– Most checks are relatively simple queries against the data dictionary
4 – Generates report(s) describing the outcome of those checks
5 – Optionally generates SQL “Fixup” scripts for select checks
Recently Added Features and Enhancements in CPAT 24.1.0:
OPTD-568: Adding a new check for Oracle Streams, which is no longer supported in version 19c and later versions
OPTD-606: Now can detect if there are applications running on the database.
OPTD-609: Added new property FLASHBACKQUERY to MigrationMethodProp, which prevents objects with 'ID KEY' in DBA_GOLDENGATE_SUPPORT_MODE from being flagged in CPAT checks.
OPTD-619: When --reportformat is not used on the command line CPAT will now, by default, generate both an HTML report and a TEXT report
Recently Fixed Bugs or Other Changes:
OPTD-623: HTML Report Update: We've addressed an issue where the layout could appear disorganized.
Where can you get CPAT?
You can download it from MOS Note 2758371.1 – Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) Analyzes Databases for Suitability of Cloud Migration.
If you have any enhancement requests, please let us know 🙂