Humans create software, and as such, it is inherently imperfect. Programmers work diligently to write code to perform complex tasks, solve problems, and make processes easier. However, mistakes or unforeseen issues can arise despite their best efforts, leading to software bugs or glitches.
If you encounter any issues with CPAT, first verify that you’re using the latest version. You can do this by using the --updatecheck
./ --updatecheck
There is a newer version of the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool available.
For more information see the MOS Note at
./ --updatecheck
There is no newer version available of the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool. The version you are running, 24.9.0, is the latest available version.
Note that ADB restrictions can change somewhat frequently, so it’s a good idea to run ./ --updatecheck
regularly to stay up-to-date.
CPAT also tries to let you know when you’ve used a release that is “old”:
You can also see this on the HTML report:
If you still encounter issues after updating the tool, please open a service request (SR) and include as many details as possible. Be sure to include all CPAT output files, especially the log file, when submitting any problem.
This applies to any errors encountered while running the tool or if a check shows as FAILED in the report.
To make your life easier, we have the option --zip
and it will create a zip with all the files needed for the SR.
./ --connectstring jdbc:oracle:thin:@db01:1521/fusion_pdb --sysdba --username SYS --analysisprops --targetcloud ATPS --outdir result/ --zip
unzip -l
Zip file created by CPAT version 24.9.0 on 2024-11-01T16:10:10Z
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
58 11-01-2024 16:10
2255786 11-01-2024 16:10 premigration_advisor_report.html
192145 11-01-2024 16:10 premigration_advisor.log
--------- -------
2447989 3 files
SQL Queries for each check can be found in the JSON and HTML reports:
To include those queries in the TEXT report, use the option --sqltext
./ --connectstring jdbc:oracle:thin:@db01:1521/fusion_pdb --sysdba --username SYS --analysisprops --targetcloud ATPS --sqltext
To make your life easier, we have the option --zip
and it will create a zip with all the result files.
./ --connectstring jdbc:oracle:thin:@db01:1521/fusion_pdb --sysdba --username SYS --analysisprops --targetcloud ATPS --outdir result/ --zip
unzip -l
Zip file created by CPAT version 24.9.0 on 2024-11-01T16:10:10Z
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
58 11-01-2024 16:10
2255786 11-01-2024 16:10 premigration_advisor_report.html
192145 11-01-2024 16:10 premigration_advisor.log
--------- -------
2447989 3 files
Stay tuned for the next post.
Links to the Complete Blog Post Series about CPAT: